Post-Conference Materials “Social competences – the new dimension of the traditional mission of higher education”, 28.02.2020

6 March 2020

On 28 February 2020 the final conference of DASCHE project entitled the “Social competences – the new dimension of the traditional mission of higher education” was organized at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics in Warsaw. Around 100 participants from Poland and abroad took part in the conference.  

The main goal of the conference was to discuss in which way we can support the idea of strengthening the social dimension of university activity and providing students with the competences necessary for active social engagement, at the same time as enabling them to be successful in the rapidly changing labour market and surroundings in which they live now and in the coming decades. 

Post-Conference Materials:

Conference agenda 


Conference movie about the social competences development (will be soon)

Presentations of the plenary and parallel sessions and posters during the poster session: