Durham University, founded in 1832, has an excellent worldwide reputation in all areas of arts, humanities, natural and social sciences (ranked 74th in the QS World University Rankings 16/17). The University has ~17,500 students (of whom 3,500 are postgraduate and 3,000 international students from over 120 countries).  Its academic teaching and research programmes are delivered through 25 academic departments contained within three faculties: Arts and Humanities, Science, and Social Sciences and Health. The University also has 16 Colleges - Durham's distinctive residential and educational communities. The University is engaged in a full range of higher educational activities, including high-quality teaching and learning at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, advanced research and scholarship, partnerships with businesses and other private and public sector bodies, and partnerships and initiatives with community and voluntary sector organisations.  It provides a stimulating environment to nourish and support the needs of a world-class academic community.  Durham is a collegiate University centred around 16 colleges, which offer accommodation, pastoral support and personal development opportunities to its students. The colleges, along with the academic departments foster a culture of student participation and social engagement, both with the local and global communities. A significant emphasis is placed on the holistic development of Durham students and as a consequence both the student community action and charities groups have received external recognition for the work they do. Many Durham students participate in a scheme called the Durham Award which is a parallel strand to their academic qualification and is designed to develop a range of attributes and social competencies. This emphasis on developing students not just academically but providing opportunities for them to develop other competencies linked to social engagement and social awareness makes dirham graduates particularly employable. According to UK Government figures Durham also has one of the highest ratings for the subsequent employability of its graduates.