Model solutions regarding developing, assessing and validating social competences in higher education including recommendations for levels of: HE institutions, national and EU policy making

Jakub Brdulak, Ewa Chmielecka (eds), Jan Beseda, Gunta Kinta, Kristina Kuehn, Edmunds Labunskis, Jacek Lewicki, Katarzyna Matuszczak, Julie Rattray, Rille Raaper, Don Westerheijden

Brdulak J, Chmielecka E. (eds), Beseda J., Kinta G., Kuehn K., Labunskis E., Lewicki J., Matuszczak K., Rattray J., Raaper R., Westerheijden D., Model solutions regarding developing, assessing and validating social competences in higher education including recommendations for levels of: HE institutions, national and EU policy making, Warsaw School of Economics, 2020.